Drink deep of my sorrow as I entertain you with tales of Japanese Animated debauchery.

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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Evangelion/Transformers/GI Joe: The tickle of madness

After a lengthy, crazy rant like the last one I feel it's only fair to throw ya'll a bone. Brace for laughter kiddos, your childhood innocence is on the chopping block!


A friend showed this to me awhile back and I'm still between tears and laughter. To clarify for the uninitiated: In the final, tense moments of Evangelion soldiers are sent in to seize the NERV base and use its contents (Angels, ADAM, Eva units, Alka-selzter) to kick-start Armageddon.

In this beautiful bastardization they send in GI Joe to kill off NERV and the Eva units are Optimus Prime (Unit 2) and Galvatron (Unit 1), with the evil "Eva Series" being represented by the entirety of the Decepticon forces.

The video uses footage from the Transformers movie, GI Joe Movie and Evangelion respectively. Well, and A LITTLE bit of footage from each series to pad out some of the scenes.


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